As you may be aware, the Wallingford Emergency Shelter is not open and the clients are currently being housed in a hotel in Middletown. It has come to our attention that the shelter currently has a need to have Sunday dinner provided to its 40 clients.
Many at FBC have previously worked on a team to help prepare and serve meals to the residents and we all know how rewarding this was. Due to COVID restrictions, we are not able to physically serve the meals to the clients, but we can prepare meals in our church kitchen, package individually, and then deliver to the Middletown where Wallingford residents are currently staying.
"You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it." I Corinthians 12:27.
We are one in the body of Christ, and there are lots of ways that you can get involved in this local outreach. We're looking for volunteers for the following:
Coordinate/Plan Menu for Sunday Meals for 40 clients (Meat, Vegetable, Potato, Bread, Dessert, and Drink individually wrapped)
Donate needed food items for the meals
Make a monetary donation to purchase needed food items for the meals
Grocery shop for needed food items not received from donations
Help to prepare the meal in FBC kitchen (hopefully a team of folks can work together for this)
Invite friends, neighbors, and family to get involved
Deliver the meals to the Middletown Hotel
Updated Needed Donations for Clients (please place in box in Fellowship Hall)
Snack Items (Pre Packaged/Individually wrapped) Granola Bars, Cereal (single serving), Breakfast Bars, Trail Mix, Snack Crackers (any variety), Goldfish, Dried Fruits, Pretzels, Candy Bars, Potato Chips (or other chips), Popcorn, Cookies, Fruit Cups (nonperishable), Pudding Cups (non perishable).
CT Transit Bus Passes (can be purchased at CVS, Walgreens, FasSmart in Wlfd. or CVS in Meriden or on line
Men's (Boxers, Size Med. to 1X) or Women's Underwear (Size 7 and Up)
NEW Sweat Shirts or Sweat Pants (Size Large to 1X)
Warm Hats and Gloves
If you are interested in helping out or if you have questions, email ( or text/call (203-668-4890) Sandy Drozd.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:31-40